Fansipan Mountain Photos

trek, hike, climb mt fansipan 3

Fansipan Mountain Photos is a photo gallery of pictures and photos we took in Fansipan Mountain Vietnam. In this photography gallery there are not only images of our mt Fansipan climbing tour, but also other pictures of the region highlights such as Sapa hill tribe village, ethnic market, rice terrace…

Fansipan Mountain is one of the most challenging hiking destination in Vietnam. At 3,143 metres (10,312 ft), it is the highest mountain in the Indochinese Peninsula (comprising Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia), hence its nickname “the Roof of Indochina”. It is located in the Lao Cai Province of the Northwest region of Vietnam, 9 km southwest of Sapa Township in the Hoang Lien Son mountain range.

Fansipan can be climbed in a steep and fairly strenuous hike. Previously, it would take about 5-6 days from Sapa to reach Fansipan peak and return. Now the total time is usually only about 3 days, even 2 days, or for experts and strong, healthy people, it can be done in one day.

A cable car to the peak of Fansipan was inaugurated on February 2, 2016. It departs from a terminal in Muong Hoa Valley near Sa Pa and takes 20 minutes to arrive at the summit. The service holds two Guinness World Records for the longest non-stop three-rope cable car in the world, spanning 6.3 km (3.9 mi), and the greatest elevation difference by a non-stop three-roped cable car for the 1,410 m (4,630 ft) difference in elevation between the termini.

This photo gallery is contributed by our local team of tour guide, driver, customers, partners, and hikers who have been to Fansipan Mountain Vietnam. Please do not hesitate contact us if you need high-resolution photos of Fansipan Mountain.

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Fansipan Mountain Tours

The following itineraries are only some suggestions that we customize in Fansipan Mountain, giving you an idea of what to see and do in the region. These trips include not only hiking, trekking activity, but also many other attractions, highlights that are offered in the area.

Lao Cai Tours

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